How the Tenure Project Ignites Collaboration


Shared Mission

Wharton’s shared mission with the Tenure Project is to create pathways for academics who hail from traditionally under-represented communities to secure tenure in their respective fields, and at the academic homes and institutions of their choosing.


Who We Serve

Together, we are building bridges across academic disciplines and divides by establishing spaces and community wherein like-minded academics from across the world learn and connect with each other on the subject of tenure.

What We Will Accomplish Together

Founded by the duo, Wharton Prof. Wendy De La Rosa, W’11, and Foster School of Business Prof. Esther Uduehi, GrW’21, with founding sponsorship support from Wharton, the Tenure Project is a manifestation of a shared dedication to addressing the issues affecting Black, Latinx, and Native junior faculty in U.S. business schools.

As the Tenure Project continues to flourish, the initiative stands as a testament to the collaborative spirit of Wharton’s community, which is one that will continue to champion diversity and equity in academia. Wharton and the Tenure Project will create channels that support the establishment of new connections, as well as the creation of virtual and physical spaces, which enable talented academics to thrive in their careers.

Watch a recap on the 2023 Tenure Project Conference here or on Youtube.

How We Will Contribute

The Wharton School, in collaboration with its own Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion led by Renita Miller, hosted the 2023 Tenure Project Annual Conferences within the welcoming halls of Jon M. Huntsman Hall. Drawing together more than 200 educators from across the country, the event represents a collective commitment to helping underrepresented junior faculty members achieve tenure within a system where historical odds have often been stacked against them.

By providing support via both hosting the conference itself, and by creating paths for academics to connect with Wharton’s venerated faculty and institutional leadership, Wharton contributes through the School’s full commitment to seeing the mission of the Project succeed in carving paths towards tenureship for academics from an array of disciplines and demographical backgrounds.

“We often underestimate the power of the village, and this could not have turned into a reality without the incredible help from [Wharton leadership] to all the sponsoring institutions.”

— Wendy De La Rosa
Assistant Professor of Marketing

What We Will Achieve

Increasing opportunities for historically underrepresented academics to succeed in advancing through their respective fields is the key to building success in this arena. Wharton is committed to the support of the Tenure Project by equipping participants with new knowledge and connections that will enable them to succeed professionally in the hyper-competitive academic world.  

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