Funding Opportunities
Wharton Research Common Application
Launched in Spring 2023, the Wharton Research Common Application allows faculty and PhD students to apply for research support from multiple centers and initiatives across Wharton. This common application creates opportunities for research centers and initiatives to co-fund proposals and to better deploy resources to expand the impact of research at Wharton. The application will be available twice a year, and faculty and PhD students are invited to apply for funding for the 2024-2025 academic year. Funding sponsors vary based on the year and funding cycle.
Funding Sponsors
- Wharton AI & Analytics Initiative funds analytics and AI projects | For questions, contact Lauren Nelson Hyppolite.
- Baker Retailing Center funds retailing industry projects | For questions, contact Mina Fader.
- Coalition for Equity and Opportunity funds projects that examine the wealth gap | For questions, contact Fareeda Griffith.
- Environmental, Social and Governance Initiative funds climate, impact investing, political risk and identity, and governance and business ethics projects | For questions, contact Sandra Hunt.
- Finance at Wharton for projects on alternative investments, fintech, and quantitative finance | For questions, contact Lauren Hurray.
- Global Initiatives fund projects that explore global, cross-border, or regional (non-US) issues | For questions, contact Serguei Netessine.
- Mack Institute for Innovation Management funds innovation and entrepreneurship projects | For questions, contact Valery Yakubovich.
- The Wharton INSEAD Alliance funds collaborative projects with a faculty member or Ph.D. student from INSEAD | For questions, contact Tom Robertson.
- Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center funds real estate-related projects | For questions, contact Susan Sessa.
Important Dates
Spring 2025
- December 5: Application Opens
- January 17: Application Deadline
- By February 21: Funding Decisions Announced to Applicants
- March 2025: Dean’s Research Funding Notifications Sent
Gift and Grant Guide
The Wharton Gift and Grant guide provides helpful information for Wharton faculty and staff leaders of research centers and initiatives interested in utilizing gift and grant funds from corporations and foundations. This guide and the accompanying webinar provide a comprehensive overview of the gift and grant process and were developed in partnership with our colleagues at Wharton F&A, Wharton External Affairs, ORS, OGC, and PCI.
Penn Funding Opportunities
Penn Global administers a competitive global engagement grant program that provides resources to help faculty and staff undertake research, teaching, service, and other activities with a country, region, or international focus.
Additional Funding Opportunities
ISB-Wharton Joint Research Initiative
Grants are available to Wharton faculty to facilitate research collaboration between Wharton and the Indian School of Business (ISB). ISB has over 50 fulltime research active tenure-track or tenured standing faculty. Through its alumni network and other ties, the ISB can facilitate access to firms throughout India. ISB will facilitate access to these databases for projects funded under this initiative. Funding of projects involving human subjects will be contingent on clearance or exemption by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Pennsylvania and applicable laws, if any, in India.
For further details about funding and resources available, contact Jagmohan Raju, who manages our relationship with ISB.
Metzler Bank Visiting Professorship at the Goethe University of Frankfurt
The Metzler Bank has long sustained a visiting professorship program to broaden offerings at the Goethe University of Frankfurt in the areas of investment banking, corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, household finance, insurance, securities, and capital market analysis. The foundation’s funds are used to finance an annual exchange program for faculty of the Wharton School and the University of Frankfurt.
The next deadline will be in February 2025. To apply, please submit a two-page memo to Itay Goldstein and Olivia Mitchell with:
- Your name, Wharton address, current position, and email;
- Research motivation for visit and intended faculty collaborators at the Goethe University of Frankfurt (if possible, you should reach out to them in advance to secure a promise of collaboration);
- Potential course topics (& information on which types of students you’d target for them);
- Potential Seminar topics;
- Also, attach your CV in PDF format.
Wharton AI & Analytics Initiative Funding Opportunities
AI Research Fund
The AI Research Fund is designed to provide faculty with essential resources to explore the intersection of AI advancements with modern business models, industries, and global economies. Faculty can apply for funding for a specific project or general research support to advance their work.
Examples of support include, but are not limited to: funding for data, computing, and dataset acquisition; financial assistance for research assistants; and matching dollars for Post-Docs, Pre-Docs, and Doctoral student support.
The Spring 2025 application for the AI Research Fund closed on January 17, 2025. Applications are submitted through the Research Common Application.
AI Education Innovation Fund
The AI Education Innovation Fund is designed to support curricular innovation by providing resources for faculty to augment, adapt, and reimagine how they incorporate AI into classroom instruction and course materials for both degree and non-degree learners. By offering the necessary resources, the fund aims to accelerate the creation and enhancement of AI-related coursework and educational materials, ensuring that our offerings remain at the forefront of technological advancements.
Examples of support include, but are not limited to: funding for developing new AI courses; enhancing AI learning tools; and resources for updating and expanding existing course materials.
The Spring 2025 application for the AI Education Innovation Fund closed on January 17, 2025. Applications are submitted through the Research Common Application.