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Wharton Stories:
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
“While this program is a challenge, it’s also a once in a lifetime opportunity. You’ll make lifelong friends, join the world’s largest business school alumni network, and learn more than you thought possible.” – Maria Devassy, WG’23
How This Tech Industry Expert Found Value in Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives
“I was fortunate to grow up playing competitive sports, which helped me build a sense of belief that I could bounce back from any setback. I firmly believe that SuperBetter can develop those same capacities.” – Jan Jaro, WG’23
How WIVA Students Are Advocating For Youth Mental Health With A Startup
“I left Wharton a CEO, and I’m not the only one. We’ve been brought into these positions because we now have the confidence to embrace our identities as leaders.”
MD & CEO: How the Wharton EMBA Program Helped This ER Doctor Launch an Award-Winning Luxury Sake Brand
Prof. Rahul Kapoor and MBA student Arie Kouandjio, WG’23, give a quick overview of this Wharton course on the emerging space sector.
In the Classroom: Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in the New Space Era
Wharton Management Prof. Tyler Wry offers a sneak peek into the nuances of innovative thinking and how he designed the ‘Essentials of Innovation’ program.
Prof. Tyler Wry on Teaching Innovation to High School Students
Steve Truong, WG’21, David Latshaw, WG’21, and Dr. Dan Sciubba, WG’21, teamed up in Wharton’s EMBA program to “fight cancer with finance.”
How Wharton is Helping These Classmates Grow a Healthcare Fintech Business
Through a series of conversations on the Dollars and Change podcast, Vice Dean Katherine Klein explores the topics of racial equity in investing and diversity in the workplace with leaders in the field.
Diversity and Racial Equity in Investing: Conversations with Industry Leaders and Researchers
“I’m most interested in the rebels always having a fighting chance, not just because it’s my business and my livelihood, but also because I think it’s better for innovation.”
Alexis Ohanian: Supporting Business Rebels Through Venture Capital
Senior Fellows Patrizio Cernetti, WG’16, and Jon Soberg, WG’09, mentor students working on real-world data projects.
How Wharton Customer Analytics Connects Alumni, Students, and Companies
This year’s finalists tackled firefighter cancer, frontline medical devices, maternal nutrition, global healthcare access, and more.
4 Startup Challenge Finalists Share What Inspired Their Ventures
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